Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hobbits and seed cake

Our family is joining Redeemed Reader for The Hobbit read-along, and the mention of seed cake in the first chapter caught my attention. The book's adventures really open and close with tea invitations, which is such a lovely, British way of doing things.

While sorting through my file of loose recipes today (including a number that Betsy has given me over the years), I discovered a recipe for seed cake that sounds like what Bilbo graciously shared with the unwelcome dwarves when they arrived at teatime, which reminded me that I ought to serve it to my boys while they listen (even though we're currently escaping goblins in the mountain and have almost reached Gollum. Don't you just LOVE how Tolkien doesn't waste any time in his adventure story?!).

Here is a fellow Hobbit fan who has put together a recipe for seed cake with photos. And now if you will excuse me, I'm going to see if I have enough caraway seed in my cupboard to try it. I'm sure it would be lovely with a cup of hot homemade chai concentrate!

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